[B] Ground Items

[B] Ground Items

Gives the ability to:
-Sort items/menu entries by GE price instead of HA.
-Custom item sorting for CoX.
-Increased render distance.
-Enable randomized loot beams.
-Additional loot beams.
-Rotating loot beams.


  • Item Lists: The highlighted and hidden item lists

  • Show Highlighted items only: Configures whether or not to draw items only on your highlighted list

  • Do not hide untradeables: Configures whether or not untradeable items ignore hiding under settings

  • Show Menu Item Quantities: Configures whether or not to show the item quantities in the menu

  • Recolor Menu Hidden Items: Configures whether or not hidden items in right-click menu will be recolored

  • Deprioritize Menu Hidden Items: Depriotizies the menu options for items which are hidden, requiring a right click to pick up

  • Highlight Tiles: Configures whether or not to highlight tiles containing ground items

  • Notify for Highlighted drops: Configures whether or not to notify for drops on your highlighted list

  • Notify tier: Configures which price tiers will trigger a notification on drop

  • Price Display Mode: Configures which price types are shown alongside ground item name

  • Sort by GE price: Sorts ground items by GE price, instead of alch value

  • Item Highlight Mode: Configures how ground items will be highlighted

  • Menu Highlight Mode: Configures what to highlight in right-click menu

  • Highlight Value Calculation: Configures which coin value is used to determine highlight color

  • Hide under value: Configures hidden ground items under both GE and HA value

  • Default items: Configures the color for default, non-highlighted items

  • Highlighted items: Configures the color for highlighted items

  • Hidden items: Configures the color for hidden items in right-click menu and when holding ALT

  • Low value items: Configures the color for low value items

  • Low value price: Configures the start price for low value items

  • Medium value items: Configures the color for medium value items

  • Medium value price: Configures the start price for medium value items

  • High value items: Configures the color for high value items

  • High value price: Configures the start price for high value items

  • Insane value items: Configures the color for insane value items

  • Insane value price: Configures the start price for insane value items

  • Only show loot: Only shows drops from NPCs and players

  • Double-tap delay: Delay for the double-tap ALT to hide ground items. 0 to disable

  • Collapse ground item menu: Collapses ground item menu entries together and appends count

  • Despawn timer: Shows despawn timers for items you’ve dropped and received as loot

  • Text Outline: Use an outline around text instead of a text shadow

  • Highlighted item lootbeams: Configures lootbeams to show for all highlighted items

  • Lootbeam tier: Configures which price tiers will trigger a lootbeam

  • Lootbeam Style: Style of lootbeam to use

  • Hotkey: Configures the hotkey used by the Ground Items plugin

  • Highlighted Items: Configures specifically highlighted ground items. Format: (item), (item)

  • Hidden Items: Configures hidden ground items. Format: (item), (item)

  • Highlighted Items: Configures specifically highlighted ground items. Format: (item), (item)

  • Hidden Items: Configures hidden ground items. Format: (item), (item)