[PM] Ground Attacks

[PM] Ground Attacks

Handles ground attacks for all other plugins.
Make sure to customize this plugin to your liking.
If this plugin is disabled, other plugins will not be able to add ground attacks.


  • Guitar Hero Prayer: Atm only setup for Rat King

  • Guitar Hero Fill Color: No description provided.

  • Guitar Hero Border Color: No description provided.

  • Guitar Hero Border Width: No description provided.

  • Guitar Hero Tick Shape: No description provided.

  • Guitar Hero Prayer: Atm only setup for Rat King

  • Guitar Hero Fill Color: No description provided.

  • Guitar Hero Border Color: No description provided.

  • Guitar Hero Border Width: No description provided.

  • Guitar Hero Tick Shape: No description provided.

  • NPC Tick Color: No description provided.

  • NPC Tick Color: No description provided.

  • Tile Style: Tile style for ground markers.

  • Tile Border Width: Tile Border Width for ground markers.

  • AoE Alpha: Sets the transparency level for Area of Effect (AoE) overlays. Adjust to enhance visibility. Range: 1 (more transparent) to 255 (fully opaque).

  • Player in AoE Alpha: Sets the transparency level for Area of Effect (AoE) overlays. Adjust to enhance visibility. Range: 1 (more transparent) to 255 (fully opaque).

  • Font Type: Displays ticks for projectiles and ground attacks at the target tiles.

  • Font Size: Ground overlay font size.

  • Tick Text Color: No description provided.

  • End Tick Color (AOE): No description provided.

  • Test Color: No description provided.

  • Test: No description provided.

  • Tile Style: Tile style for ground markers.

  • Tile Border Width: Tile Border Width for ground markers.

  • AoE Alpha: Sets the transparency level for Area of Effect (AoE) overlays. Adjust to enhance visibility. Range: 1 (more transparent) to 255 (fully opaque).

  • Player in AoE Alpha: Sets the transparency level for Area of Effect (AoE) overlays. Adjust to enhance visibility. Range: 1 (more transparent) to 255 (fully opaque).

  • Font Type: Displays ticks for projectiles and ground attacks at the target tiles.

  • Font Size: Ground overlay font size.

  • Tick Text Color: No description provided.

  • End Tick Color (AOE): No description provided.

  • Test Color: No description provided.

  • Test: No description provided.

  • Wrong Prayer: No description provided.

  • Correct Prayer: No description provided.

  • Wrong Prayer: No description provided.

  • Correct Prayer: No description provided.

  • Font: No description provided.

  • Overlay: No description provided.

  • Danger Lists: No description provided.

  • Hide Lists: No description provided.

  • Extra Highlights: Adds a customizable border thickness to IDs in these fields
    Used to tell if a tile is unsafe even if there is a shorter timer incoming
    e.g. Boulders in Ba-ba/Warden (marked by default)

  • AoE Warnings: No description provided.

  • Prayer settings: Prayer settings

  • Widget settings: Widget settings

  • What to Screenshot: All the options that select what to screenshot

  • Prayer Overlay: No description provided.

  • Tile Overlay: No description provided.

  • NPC Overlay: No description provided.

  • Guitar Hero Overlay: No description provided.

  • Hide All Overlays: Hides all overlays when taking a screenshot, instead of just external overlays.
    Note: visually you may notice the chat box momentarily flicker as it is hidden for the screenshot.

  • Hide Private Messages: Whether to hide the private messages when capturing screenshots.
    Note: visually you may notice the chat box momentarily flicker as it is hidden for the screenshot.

  • Red on 1: Recolours all ground attacks red when they have 1 tick left
    Uses the alpha from the ground attacks colour

  • Render 0’s: Tick this to enable renderring of ground attacks with ‘0’ ticks left, instead of hiding them.

  • Draw ticks: Untick this to disable the ticks on each tile.

  • Delay ticks: How many ticks should the plugin wait before automatically deactivating any prayers.
    Starts counting after the overlay is cleared, and you are not attacking any NPCs.

  • Display Date: Configures whether or not the report button shows the date the screenshot was taken

  • AoE warnings: Changes the colour of the built-in AoE warnings.

  • Offensive: Auto-pray and/or show what offensive prayer you should be praying anytime the overlay is showing an overhead.

  • Notify When Taken: Configures whether or not you are notified when a screenshot has been taken

  • Global colour: When enabled, this will make all ground attacks the above colour
    Instead of each ground-attack being plugin-specific.

  • Upload: Configures whether or not screenshots are uploaded to Imgur, or placed on your clipboard

  • Font colour: Colour of the font, it is only this colour if you have disabled ‘recolourFont’

  • Screenshot hotkey: When you press this key a screenshot will be taken

  • Recolour font: When enabled, the font colour will match the tile colour

  • Border thickness: Thickness of the outer diameter of the tiles.

  • quickPrayers: No description provided.

  • Game Objects: Name or ID. Separated with a comma

  • NPCs: NPC name or ID. Separate with a comma

  • Game Objects: Name or ID. Separated with a comma

  • NPCs: NPC name or ID. Separate with a comma

  • NPCs: NPC name or ID. Separate with a comma

  • NPCs: NPC name or ID. Separate with a comma

  • Font style: Font style for the ticks. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Font style: Font style for timers. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Font size: size of the font

  • Font size: size of the font

  • Font outline: Draw a black outline around the font

  • Font outline: Draw a black outline around the font

  • Font style: Font style for the ticks. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Font style: Font style for timers. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Font size: size of the font

  • Font size: size of the font

  • Font outline: Draw a black outline around the font

  • Font outline: Draw a black outline around the font

  • Hide safe tiles: Don’t render the overlay on safe (15) tiles

  • Movement flags: Only draw the overlay on tiles you’re able to move to

  • Tile border thickness: Thickness of tile marker borders

  • Radius: Radius of the overlay

  • Safe tile: Tile is safe

  • Medium tile: NPCs are 3-5 tiles away

  • Unsafe tile: NPCs are under 2 tiles away

  • Safe ticks: Amount of ticks considered safe

  • Unsafe ticks: Amount of ticks considered unsafe

  • Hide safe tiles: Don’t render the overlay on safe (15) tiles

  • Movement flags: Only draw the overlay on tiles you’re able to move to

  • Tile border thickness: Thickness of tile marker borders

  • Radius: Radius of the overlay

  • Safe tile: Tile is safe

  • Medium tile: NPCs are 3-5 tiles away

  • Unsafe tile: NPCs are under 2 tiles away

  • Safe ticks: Amount of ticks considered safe

  • Unsafe ticks: Amount of ticks considered unsafe

  • Queue size: How many extra panels should be displayed on the overlay.
    0 = Disable the whole overlay.
    3 = Max.

  • Hide 0’s: Don’t show 0 ticks left on the overlay.

  • Clickable overlay: Click on the prayer overlay to activate/deactivate the required prayer

  • Font style: Font style for timers. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Count ticks: Enable tick counter on the prayer overlay

  • Wrong prayer: No description provided.

  • Correct prayer: No description provided.

  • Queue size: How many extra panels should be displayed on the overlay.
    0 = Disable the whole overlay.
    3 = Max.

  • Hide 0’s: Don’t show 0 ticks left on the overlay.

  • Clickable overlay: Click on the prayer overlay to activate/deactivate the required prayer

  • Font style: Font style for timers. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Count ticks: Enable tick counter on the prayer overlay

  • Wrong prayer: No description provided.

  • Correct prayer: No description provided.

  • Font style: Font style for timers. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Font size: size of the font

  • Wrong prayer: No description provided.

  • Correct prayer: No description provided.

  • Font style: Font style for timers. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Font size: size of the font

  • Wrong prayer: No description provided.

  • Correct prayer: No description provided.