[OC] Cast

[OC] Cast

Bind spells to keys and enables One Click Casting them, without the need to select the spell.


  • PvM: No description provided.

  • Spells/Keybinds: No description provided.

  • Players: Change when the plugin should create a menu entry on players.

  • Modifiers: Disable making the menu entry when holding modifier keys.

  • Check Weapon: Toggle whether the plugin should only allow casting with magic weapons equipped.
    When enabled, the plugin requires a magic weapon to be equipped.
    When disabled, the plugin allows casting with all weapons.

  • Check Frozen: Toggle whether the plugin should allow casting freeze spells more than once.
    When enabled, you can only freeze unfrozen npc/players.
    When disabled, the plugin creates the menu entry regardless of whether the actor is frozen.