[P] Chambers Of Xeric

[P] Chambers Of Xeric

Auto-prayers, overlays, and QoL for CoX
Includes the following plugins:
-Crab Solver
-Crab Stun Timers
-CoX Timers
-CoX Thieving
-CoX Additions


  • Font: No description provided.

  • Prayer Overlay: No description provided.

  • Chat Timers: Timers settings

  • Olm: No description provided.

  • Farming: No description provided.

  • Guardians: No description provided.

  • Crabs: No description provided.

  • Ice Demon: No description provided.

  • Muttadiles: No description provided.

  • Shamans: No description provided.

  • Tekton: No description provided.

  • Thieving: No description provided.

  • Vanguards: No description provided.

  • Vasa: No description provided.

  • Vespula: No description provided.

  • Prep Overlay: Cox Prep Options

  • Auto pray: Automatically pray wherever the prayer overlay is added

  • Enable prayer overlay: Untick this to disable the prayer overlay

  • Enable widget overlay: Untick this to disable the prayer widget overlay

  • Left click leave CC: Fuck this shit im out

  • Left click Reload: Makes reloading on the steps left click

  • Remove cast: Removes cast on players in Chambers of Xeric (doesn’t apply to veng other)

  • Enhance overlay: Displays a detailed prayer enhance timer in CoX

  • Olm: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Olm

  • Crabs: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Crabs

  • Ice Demon: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Ice Demon

  • Muttadiles: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Muttadiles

  • Mystics: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Mystics

  • Shamans: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay for Shamans

  • Tekton: Untick to disable the prayer overlay for Tekton

  • Tightrope: Untick to disable the prayer overlay for Tightrope

  • Vanguards: Untick to disable the prayer overlay for Vanguards (sets based on the closest vang)

  • Vasa: Untick to disable the prayer overlay for Vasa

  • Vespula: Untick to disable quick-prayers in vespula

  • Olm: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Olm

  • Crabs: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Crabs

  • Ice Demon: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Ice Demon

  • Muttadiles: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Muttadiles

  • Mystics: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay at Mystics

  • Shamans: Uncheck to disable the prayer overlay for Shamans

  • Tekton: Untick to disable the prayer overlay for Tekton

  • Tightrope: Untick to disable the prayer overlay for Tightrope

  • Vanguards: Untick to disable the prayer overlay for Vanguards (sets based on the closest vang)

  • Vasa: Untick to disable the prayer overlay for Vasa

  • Vespula: Untick to disable quick-prayers in vespula