[P] Colosseum

[P] Colosseum

Overlay/prayer overlay/auto prayers for the Colosseum.
Don’t take Mantimayhem 3 or Red Flag.


  • Font: Default font settings.

  • Radius Markers: Radius marker settings.

  • Ground Attacks: Colours for the ground attacks.
    Set opacity to 0 to disable them.

  • Wave Overlay: Settings for the Wave Overlay which displays your current/next waves and chosen modifiers.

  • Utility: Additional help.

  • Auto Prayer: Toggle automatic prayers anytime the overlay is set from this plugin.
    Enable at your own risk.

  • Auto Flick: Toggle whether or not the plugin should deactivate your overhead when not needed.
    Enable at your own risk.

  • Prayer Success %: The % chance of prayers being queued successfully.
    At 0 the code will never queue prayers, at 100 it will always queue prayers.
    Turn this down while learning if you want to appear inconsistent.

  • Prayer Overlay: Toggle whether or not the prayer overlay should be shown.

  • Widget Overlay: Toggle whether the prayer overlay should be drawn around the prayer widgets.

  • Style: Choose between bold, italics or plain.

  • Size: Sets the font size for text overlays.

  • Offset: Vertical offset of the font when rendered.

  • Style: Choose between bold, italics or plain.

  • Size: Sets the font size for text overlays.

  • Offset: Vertical offset of the font when rendered.

  • Volatility AoE: Ground attack colour for explosions on death caused by the Volatility modifier.

  • Javelin: Ground attack colour for thrown javelins.

  • Boss Lightning: Ground attack colour for lightning.

  • Boss Lasers: Ground attack colour for lasers.

  • Invert Boss GAs: Toggled on, this will mark the tiles you should step onto when the boss attacks.
    Toggled off, this marks all of the dangerous tiles instead.

  • Boss GAs: Ground attack colour for the bosses attacks.

  • Volatility AoE: Ground attack colour for explosions on death caused by the Volatility modifier.

  • Javelin: Ground attack colour for thrown javelins.

  • Boss Lightning: Ground attack colour for lightning.

  • Boss Lasers: Ground attack colour for lasers.

  • Invert Boss GAs: Toggled on, this will mark the tiles you should step onto when the boss attacks.
    Toggled off, this marks all of the dangerous tiles instead.

  • Boss GAs: Ground attack colour for the bosses attacks.

  • Disable All: Toggle whether or not you want radius markers displayed.

  • Bees: Radius marker colour for BEES
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Doom Scorpion: Radius marker colour for Doom Scorpions
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Warband Melee: Radius marker colour for Warband Melees
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Warband Mager: Radius marker colour for Warband Magers
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Warband Ranger: Radius marker colour for Warband Rangers
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Shaman (Mager): Radius marker colour for the Serpent Shaman
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Javelin (Ranger): Radius marker colour for Javelin Colossi
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Warrior (Melee): Radius marker colour for the Jaguar Warrior.
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Minotaur: Radius marker colour for Minotaurs
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Shockwave (Mager): Radius marker colour for Shockwave Colossi
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Manticore: Radius marker colour for Manticores
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Solar Flare: Radius marker colour for solarflares
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Sol Heredit: Radius marker colour for Sol Heredit
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Disable All: Toggle whether or not you want radius markers displayed.

  • Bees: Radius marker colour for BEES
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Doom Scorpion: Radius marker colour for Doom Scorpions
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Warband Melee: Radius marker colour for Warband Melees
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Warband Mager: Radius marker colour for Warband Magers
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Warband Ranger: Radius marker colour for Warband Rangers
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Shaman (Mager): Radius marker colour for the Serpent Shaman
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Javelin (Ranger): Radius marker colour for Javelin Colossi
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Warrior (Melee): Radius marker colour for the Jaguar Warrior.
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Minotaur: Radius marker colour for Minotaurs
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Shockwave (Mager): Radius marker colour for Shockwave Colossi
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Manticore: Radius marker colour for Manticores
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Solar Flare: Radius marker colour for solarflares
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Sol Heredit: Radius marker colour for Sol Heredit
    Set opacity to 0 to disable.

  • Bank-all: Makes the left click option when claiming loot to be bank all.

  • Warbander Wheelchair: Forces your left click ‘Attack’ option based on your equipped weapon.
    You still need to click inside of the NPCs clickbox.
    Ranged weapon on = left click Seer.
    Mage weapon on = left click Warrior.

  • Recolour Menu Entries: Recolours the menu entries to match their assigned radius marker colour.

  • Disable Warband Prayers: With this enabled, the plugin won’t automatically pray against the warbanders.

  • Local Point Warbands: Use local points for the warbander radius markers instead of their true tiles.
    Helps with predicting when the wave will spawn.

  • Continue Ground Attack: Adds a 5 tick ground attack when you press continue.
    Helps with predicting when the wave will spawn.

  • Auto Defend: Automatically clicks the Defend option on the required item when Sol calls it.

  • Defend Offset: If you have high ping, or for some reason the auto defend is not working, you can try lowering this.
    At 0, the plugin will defend after 3 ticks (perfect parry) at 50ms ping.
    Users on high ping may need -1, or even -2, just to consistently avoid the damage.

  • Bank-all: Makes the left click option when claiming loot to be bank all.

  • Warbander Wheelchair: Forces your left click ‘Attack’ option based on your equipped weapon.
    You still need to click inside of the NPCs clickbox.
    Ranged weapon on = left click Seer.
    Mage weapon on = left click Warrior.

  • Recolour Menu Entries: Recolours the menu entries to match their assigned radius marker colour.

  • Disable Warband Prayers: With this enabled, the plugin won’t automatically pray against the warbanders.

  • Local Point Warbands: Use local points for the warbander radius markers instead of their true tiles.
    Helps with predicting when the wave will spawn.

  • Continue Ground Attack: Adds a 5 tick ground attack when you press continue.
    Helps with predicting when the wave will spawn.

  • Auto Defend: Automatically clicks the Defend option on the required item when Sol calls it.

  • Defend Offset: If you have high ping, or for some reason the auto defend is not working, you can try lowering this.
    At 0, the plugin will defend after 3 ticks (perfect parry) at 50ms ping.
    Users on high ping may need -1, or even -2, just to consistently avoid the damage.

  • Style: Font style for the wave overlay.

  • Size: Font size for the wave overlay.

  • Background Colour: Background colour of the panel.

  • Font Colour: Colour of the font below the titles.

  • Reinforcements: Colour of the reinforcements.

  • Next Wave Title: Colour of the title for Next Wave.

  • Current Wave Title: Colour of the title for Current Wave.

  • Modifiers Title: Colour of the title for Modifiers.

  • Style: Font style for the wave overlay.

  • Size: Font size for the wave overlay.

  • Background Colour: Background colour of the panel.

  • Font Colour: Colour of the font below the titles.

  • Reinforcements: Colour of the reinforcements.

  • Next Wave Title: Colour of the title for Next Wave.

  • Current Wave Title: Colour of the title for Current Wave.

  • Modifiers Title: Colour of the title for Modifiers.