[P] Gauntlet

[P] Gauntlet

Overlay/prayer overlay/auto prayers for Corrupted & Regular Gauntlet.


  • Font: No description provided.

  • Boss: Boss settings

  • Prep: Prep settings

  • Regular: Resources for regular gauntlet

  • Corrupted: Resources for corrupted gauntlet

  • Auto pray: Automatically pray wherever the prayer overlay is added

  • Enable prayer overlay: Untick this to disable the prayer overlay

  • Enable widget overlay: Untick this to disable the prayer widget overlay

  • Timer Infobox: Display a timer widget that tracks your gauntlet progress

  • Chat Timer: Display a chat message that tracks your gauntlet progress

  • Global Icon Size: Globally change the size of icons. { Range: 1 to 50 }

  • Boss Attacks: Count the attacks until the boss switches their style

  • Player Attacks: Count the player attacks until the boss switches their prayer

  • Counter Vertical Offset: Moves the font up/down

  • Attack Style Color: Colours the text to match attack style (green range, blue mage)

  • Prayer Deactivated Audio: Plays a unique sound whenever the boss is about to shut down your prayer

  • Highlight Boss: Overlay the boss with a color denoting it’s current attack style

  • Boss Style Icon: Overlay the boss with an icon denoting it’s current attack style

  • Show Tornadoes: Display the amount of ticks left until the tornadoes decay

  • Tornado Color: Shows the tornadoes true location

  • Wrong Style Outline: Outlines the boss with the correct style when you are not praying correctly

  • Outline Width: Adjusts the width of wrong style outline

  • Prayer Notifier: Plays a sound effect when to switch prayers at Hunllef

  • Prayer Volume: Adjusts the volume of the prayer notifier

  • Stomp Notifier: Tf you doin under there boi

  • Stomp Volume: Adjusts the volume of the stomp notifier

  • Attack Count Up: Makes boss and player attacks count up instead of down

  • Last Attack Warning: Changes the color of the boss overlay to orange when you have 1 attack till it changes prayers

  • Boss Attacks: Count the attacks until the boss switches their style

  • Player Attacks: Count the player attacks until the boss switches their prayer

  • Counter Vertical Offset: Moves the font up/down

  • Attack Style Color: Colours the text to match attack style (green range, blue mage)

  • Prayer Deactivated Audio: Plays a unique sound whenever the boss is about to shut down your prayer

  • Highlight Boss: Overlay the boss with a color denoting it’s current attack style

  • Boss Style Icon: Overlay the boss with an icon denoting it’s current attack style

  • Show Tornadoes: Display the amount of ticks left until the tornadoes decay

  • Tornado Color: Shows the tornadoes true location

  • Wrong Style Outline: Outlines the boss with the correct style when you are not praying correctly

  • Outline Width: Adjusts the width of wrong style outline

  • Prayer Notifier: Plays a sound effect when to switch prayers at Hunllef

  • Prayer Volume: Adjusts the volume of the prayer notifier

  • Stomp Notifier: Tf you doin under there boi

  • Stomp Volume: Adjusts the volume of the stomp notifier

  • Attack Count Up: Makes boss and player attacks count up instead of down

  • Last Attack Warning: Changes the color of the boss overlay to orange when you have 1 attack till it changes prayers

  • (C) Amount of Teleport crystals: Amount of teleport crystals you expect to need

  • (C) Amount of potions: Amount of potions you expect to need

  • (C) Amount of fish: Amount of fish you expect to need

  • (C) Tier of armor you want: No description provided.

  • (C) halberd you want: No description provided.

  • (C) bow you want: No description provided.

  • (C) staff you want: No description provided.

  • (C) extra shards you want: No description provided.

  • (C) Amount of Teleport crystals: Amount of teleport crystals you expect to need

  • (C) Amount of potions: Amount of potions you expect to need

  • (C) Amount of fish: Amount of fish you expect to need

  • (C) Tier of armor you want: No description provided.

  • (C) halberd you want: No description provided.

  • (C) bow you want: No description provided.

  • (C) staff you want: No description provided.

  • (C) extra shards you want: No description provided.

  • Font style: Font style for timers. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Font size: size of the font

  • Font style: Font style for timers. Choose between bold, italics or plain

  • Font size: size of the font

  • Highlight Resources: Highlights all the resources in each room

  • Resource Icons: Highlights all the resources in each room with an icon

  • Tick If Your Fps Sucks: :feelsjinimyman:

  • Resource Tracker: No description provided.

  • Vertical Resource Overlay: No description provided.

  • Tree resource color: No description provided.

  • Rock resource color: No description provided.

  • Plant resource color: No description provided.

  • Linum resource color: No description provided.

  • Fish resource color: No description provided.

  • Outline starting room utilities: Outline various utilities in the starting room

  • Outline width: Change the width of the utilities outline

  • Outline color: Change the color of the utilities outline

  • Outline feather: Change the width of the utilities feather

  • Hide Enter Boss: Removes left click option to enter Hunllef if you have raw fish in your inventory

  • Highlight Resources: Highlights all the resources in each room

  • Resource Icons: Highlights all the resources in each room with an icon

  • Tick If Your Fps Sucks: :feelsjinimyman:

  • Resource Tracker: No description provided.

  • Vertical Resource Overlay: No description provided.

  • Tree resource color: No description provided.

  • Rock resource color: No description provided.

  • Plant resource color: No description provided.

  • Linum resource color: No description provided.

  • Fish resource color: No description provided.

  • Outline starting room utilities: Outline various utilities in the starting room

  • Outline width: Change the width of the utilities outline

  • Outline color: Change the color of the utilities outline

  • Outline feather: Change the width of the utilities feather

  • Hide Enter Boss: Removes left click option to enter Hunllef if you have raw fish in your inventory

  • Amount of Teleport crystals: Amount of teleport crystals you expect to need

  • Amount of potions: Amount of potions you expect to need

  • Amount of fish: Amount of fish you expect to need

  • Tier of armor you want: No description provided.

  • halberd you want: No description provided.

  • bow you want: No description provided.

  • staff you want: No description provided.

  • extra shards you want: No description provided.

  • Amount of Teleport crystals: Amount of teleport crystals you expect to need

  • Amount of potions: Amount of potions you expect to need

  • Amount of fish: Amount of fish you expect to need

  • Tier of armor you want: No description provided.

  • halberd you want: No description provided.

  • bow you want: No description provided.

  • staff you want: No description provided.

  • extra shards you want: No description provided.