[P] Vorkath

[P] Vorkath

All-in-One Plugin to kill the money dragon.


  • Acid: No description provided.

  • Woox walk: No description provided.

  • Auto Quick-prayers: Automatically activate quick-prayers

  • Enable prayer overlay: Untick this to disable the prayer overlay

  • Enable widget overlay: Untick this to disable the prayer widget overlay

  • Null Prayer on Acid: Nulls the prayer overlay, allowing for deactivating prayers during the acid phase

  • Phase Attack Counter: Shows how many attacks are left til next phase

  • Display what phase is next: Tells you what phase is next

  • Zombified Spawn: Highlights the Zombified Spawn

  • Zombified Spawn Color: Configures the color of the Zombified Spawn

  • Font Color: Configures the color of Font

  • Text Offset: Moves the text up/down